Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of On Liberty - 1195 Words

â€Å"On Liberty† is an essay composed by a man named J.S. Mill who talks about the different types of liberty given to individuals. The novel in divided up into five chapter stating different liberties or responsibilities that makes someone a responsible self. There is no real definition of what could be considered a responsible self but all the duties one has is what composes this person into what Mill believes one should be. These responsibilities are first to oneself, to others, and finally to society as a whole. The responsibilities to oneself are vast and many depending on what the individual wants to consider as responsibilities. The person must be in tune with all that is happening inside his world so he may grow. Individuality, is a huge part of a person because it shapes not only his personality but his life. It is the duty to himself for once he reaches maturity he is to use what he has learned and interpret it to his beliefs. He learns about traditions and customs from others but may interpret differently, not suitable to him, or do not educate or develop him (55- 56). He must develop a strong character with his own impulses and desires that has been created and fixed by his culture. The individual must make sure to take in to account what he prefers before what others want him to do (58). Conformity is also another duty to oneself, since it is what makes him stand out among the rest. A person can only have the chance of becoming himself again, is when his eyesShow MoreRelatedAnalysi s Of On Liberty 1889 Words   |  8 PagesIn Chapter III of his book, ‘On Liberty’, Mill argues against the â€Å"tyranny of conformism†i, and in accord with the tenets of the ‘harm principle’, he suggests that an individual â€Å"should be allowed, without molestation to carry his [or her] opinions into practice at his [or her] own cost†ii so long as he or she does â€Å"not make himself [or herself] a nuisance to other people†iii. 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