Monday, December 30, 2019

Existential Psychology - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 354 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/09/20 Category Psychology Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? Existential theory is the emphasize on the isolation and uniqueness of an individual within a different universe , the regards of the unexplainable state of human existence and the stress on the freedom of responsibility and choice on the acts that one does . It is a basic tool that is used to grant therapeutic assistance to a person in discovering the concepts held in his /her life . This is in aid of bringing a concise meaning about an individual s life . Existential therapy aims at guiding individuals in confronting the anxieties in their lives . It aims at helping the client in making credible choices about the aspects that confront ones life . It emphasizes on the reflection on what could be the causes of meaningless and loneliness in ones life therefore finding out the best ways of copying with the anxieties held in their life . It does not however seek at eliminating these anxieties but only models the best ways in which one can cope adequately with them (Paul , 2007 ) However , the nature of the therapy does not address the appeals to most of the general population . This is because those aggrieved by foundations of anxieties would only be seeking rational ways of how to eliminate them rather than to cope with them . The better part of the society does not attribute the role of existential therapy in addressing the needs of their lives . It only seeks at postponing the actualities of anxiety that could be of influence to ones life (Thompson , 2007 ) Existential therapy is ideally emotional . This is by its sense of causing effects in response in the person s emotional attributes that are held in the body . A person is only accredited towards shaping and changing the perceptions of the anxious feeling that he /she has within oneself . Consequently , the emotional context of this therapy is what brings the responsive effect that is held by the therapy (Bill , 2006 ) Reference Thompson Guy (2007 ) Apprehending the Inaccessible : Freudia n Psychoanalysis and Existential Phenomenology . Journal of Phenomenological Psychology , Vol . 38 Bill Jerald (2006 ) An Existential View of Adolescent Development . Adolescence , Vol . 40 Paul Felix (2007 ) Psychotherapy and Existential Therapy . Journal of Phenomenological Psychology , Vol . 33 Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Existential Psychology" essay for you Create order

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Technical Marketing Strategy For Arts - 885 Words

As the visual arts intern at Blue medium—one of the leading art PR firms in NYC—my experience has taught me aspects I could have never learned at a typical PR agency or traditional art institutions. By helping with several ongoing projects of big clients, such as IFPDA Print Fair, The Museum of the Moving Image and Albertz Benda gallery, I learned how an art PR firm operates and how to conduct a comprehensive marketing strategy for arts institutions. To summarize my learning points, here are three lessons I learned that were essential in understanding the future of Blue Medium and art PR Industry. First is the importance of converging public relations and arts. PR is an old industry, but it’s a relatively new phenomenon in the art world. In the mid-1990s, art PR was almost nonexistent, save for large general practice firms like Ruder Finn (which had arts divisions that handled mostly institutional clients like museums) and some burgeoning agencies like Fitz C o. For commercial galleries, which had just lurched their way through a recession, hiring a PR firm was considered an extravagance, and maybe even a little gauche; the received wisdom was that if a gallery had good artists and exhibitions, the press would come clamoring. However, things have changed. For instance, Pace gallery, one of the biggest galleries in NYC, corporates with Sutton PR for event management and network consultant. With the boom in art galleries and art fairs, art institutions need not only toShow MoreRelatedBike Art Company s Marketing Objectives1720 Words   |  7 PagesBike Art (Art and Furniture Retail company)’s marketing objectives: to increase the sales to $316,332 and improve the brand image by 5.69%. Performance targets to staff: customer service skills need to be 6.2%, customer complaint rates should be no more than 3.2%, product knowledge test needs to be 10.2%. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Nature Of Ergonomics Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

string(64) " by the affected individual during non-occupational activities\." ‘Ergonomics ‘ comes from two Grecian words, ‘ergos ‘ ( work ) and ‘nomos ‘ ( natural Torahs ) . Murrell developed the name in 1949 after working with a squad of physiologists, anatomists and applied scientists at Cambridge University during World War II on the design of arm systems to accommodate worlds ( Murrell 1975 ) . At the terminal of the War, the group stayed together to organize the Ergonomics Research Society, which became the precursor of similar administrations that exist in many states today. We will write a custom essay sample on The Nature Of Ergonomics Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the United States of America, this activity is referred to as Human Factors and several thousand full-time professionals are members of the Human Factors Society. In Australia, the Ergonomics Society of Australia Inc3 is besides a strong association with about 650 professionals working in the countries of biotechnologies, occupational wellness and safety, and design. Biotechnologies is the scientific survey of people, their work and their environment and utilizations informations derived from technology, anatomical, physiological and psychological beginnings ( Standards Association of Australia 1976, p. 6 ) . The Standards Association papers described biotechnologies as â€Å" the design of work so that the best usage is made of human capablenesss without transcending human restrictions † ( Standards Association of Australia 1976, p. 6 ) . This description was supported by Worksafe Australia ( 1989a, p. 44 ) , which stated that biotechnologies: purposes to advance the wellbeing, safety and efficiency of the worker by the survey of his or her capablenesss and restrictions in relation to the work system, machine or undertaking and in relation to the physical, psychological and societal environment in which he or she works. A more elaborate definition describes biotechnologies as: that subdivision of scientific discipline and engineering that includes what is known and theorized about human behavioral and biological features that can be validly applied to the specification, design, rating, operation, and care of merchandises and systems to heighten safe, effectual, and fulfilling usage by persons, groups and organisations ( Christensen et Al. 1988 ) . More late the Ergonomics Society of Australia Inc ( ESA ) ( 2001, p. 2 ) adopted the definition of biotechnologies as approved by the International Ergonomics Association, as follows: Biotechnologies ( or human factors ) is the scientific subject concerned with the apprehension of the interactions among worlds and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, rules, informations and methods to plan in order to optimize human good being and overall system public presentation. This definition placed accent on biotechnologies as a ‘systems-oriented subject ‘ . The ESA noted that â€Å" ergonomists must hold a wide apprehension of the full range of the subject, taking into history the physical, cognitive, societal, organizational, environmental and other relevant factors, and that they may work in peculiar ‘application spheres ‘ , depicting three spheres as: Physical Ergonomics – concerned with human anatomical, anthropometric, physiological and biomechanical features as they relate to physical activity. Cognitive Ergonomics – concerned with mental procedures, such as perceptual experience, memory, concluding and motor response, as they affect interactions among worlds and other elements of a system. Organizational Ergonomics – concerned with the optimization of sociotechnical systems, including their organizational constructions, policies and procedures ( ESA 2001, p. 2 ) . Historically, the development of biotechnologies in Australia was closely associated with occupational wellness and safety due to the high incidence of musculoskeletal hurts in the workplace. Since so, the demand for a holistic attack â€Å" to counter the increasing impact of rapid technological alteration has been emphasized † ( Bullock 1999, p. 36 ) . Biotechnologies is â€Å" an attack † , â€Å" a doctrine † , â€Å" a manner of taking history of people in the manner we design and organize things † ( Wilson 1990, p. 3 ) that may be used to supply an environment in which worlds can bring forth their work in harmoniousness with ‘the machine ‘ to the improvement of work quality and measure and the care or betterment of the physical and behavioural environment. The application of biotechnologies within administrations can ensue in improved working techniques, decreased mistakes and accidents, improved industrial dealingss, and increased efficiency. By diminishing disablement and increasing work satisfaction and productiveness, biotechnologies contributes to a better quality of work life. The doctrine is to â€Å" change the undertaking to accommodate human capacity, instead than force the human to accommodate to an inappropriate undertaking † ( Patkin 1987, pp. 2, 4 ) . Among the cardinal issues related to optimum human interaction with computing machines were the physical layout of the computer science environment, illuming degrees and sound degrees ( Harper 1991, p. 39 ) . In an attempt to continually better the on the job conditions for computing machine users, biotechnologies research workers studied jobs related to equipment, furniture and the workstation environment. However, Patkin ( cited in Moore 1990, p. 45 ) noted that, while holding a suited environment and well-designed furniture and equipment is of import, it is besides of import that people â€Å" cognize how to utilize it right and integrate it into the sum work topographic point system † . The last clause is a major focal point of this thesis. ERGONOMIC RISK FACTORS Biotechnologies hazard factors are the facets of a occupation or undertaking that impose a biochemical emphasis on the worker. Biotechnologies hazard factors are the interactive elements of musculoskeletal disease jeopardies. The undermentioned ergonomic hazard factors are most likely to do or lend to an MSD. aˆ? repeat aˆ? force aˆ? contact emphasiss aˆ? awkward position aˆ? quiver aˆ? cold temperature aˆ? extrinsic emphasis It is of import to understand what a hazard factor is, or instead is non. A hazard factor itself is non needfully a causing agent for any peculiar MSD. Most of the times it is non merely the presence of a hazard factor, but the degree to which the hazard factor is conveyed that may take to MSDs. Similarly, to the extent a MSD instance is due to a hazard factor, sometimes it will be a combination of multiple hazard factors, instead than any individual factor, which contributes to or causes an MSD. It is besides important to observe, in measuring any peculiar instance of a MSD, that hazard factors may be experienced by the affected individual during non-occupational activities. You read "The Nature Of Ergonomics Health And Social Care Essay" in category "Essay examples" when covering with any ergonomic issue, it would be a mistake to concentrate entirely on the workplace. Furthermore, non every person exposed to any or all of these hazard factors will develop a MSD. Nor, for that affair, will any two individuals who are exposed to the same combination of hazard factors and in the same phase, respond to them in the same manner. However, because these are common factors that may convey approximately to a MSD in some combination and in some persons, these seven hazard agents are discussed in greater item below. Repeats. Repeat rate is determined as the mean figure of motions or efforts executed by a joint or a organic structure nexus within a unit of clip. Repeated indistinguishable or similar gestures performed over a period of clip may do over-extension and overexploitation of some musculus groups, which may take to muscular fatigue. Interestingly, symptoms often associate non to the sinew and musculus groups involved in insistent motions, but to the stabilizing or counter sinew and musculus groups used to put and stabilise the appendage in infinite. Frequently, by altering undertakings, musculus groups have periods of activity interchanged with periods of remainder, which may be good in cut downing the cause of hurt. Force. Force is the mechanical or physical attempt to put to death a specific gesture or effort. Tasks or gestures that require application of higher force topographic point higher mechanical tonss on musculuss, sinews, ligaments and articulations. Tasks affecting high forces may do musculuss to tire more rapidly. High forces may besides take to annoyance, redness, strains and cryings of musculuss, sinews and other tissues. The force required to finish a motion additions when other hazard factors are besides involved. For illustration more physical attempt may be needed to execute undertakings when the velocity or acceleration of gestures additions, when quiver is present, or when the undertaking besides requires awkward positions. Force can be internal, such as when tenseness develops within the musculuss, ligaments and sinews during motion. Force can be external, as when a force is applied to the organic structure, either voluntarily or involuntarily. Forceful motions is most frequently associated with the motion of heavy tonss, such as raising heavy objects on and off a conveyer, presenting heavy bundles, forcing a heavy cart, or traveling a palette. Hand tools that involve pinch clasps require more forceful efforts than those that allow other clasps, such as power clasps. Contact Stresses. Contact emphasis consequences from periodic, repeated or uninterrupted contact between sensitive organic structure tissue and difficult or crisp object. Contact emphasis normally affects the soft tissue on the fingers, thenars, forearms, shins, thighs and pess. This contact may make force per unit area over a little country of the organic structure ( e.g. carpus, forearm ) that may suppress blood flow, sinew and musculus gesture and nervus map. Examples of contact emphasis include resting carpuss on the crisp border of a desk or workstation when executing undertakings, pressing of tool grips into the thenar, particularly when they can non be put down, undertakings that involve manus pound, and sitting without equal remainder for the articulatio genuss. Awkward Position Position is the arrangement of a portion of the organic structure comparative to an next portion as measured by the angle of the joint associating them. Postural emphasis is seting on an extreme position at or shut to the normal scope of gesture. Position is one of the most frequently mentioned occupational hazard factors. There is an inert country of gesture for every jointing articulation in the organic structure. For each joint the scope of gesture is determined by motions that do non affect high muscular force or cause inordinate uncomfortableness. Injury hazards increase whenever work requires an single to put to death undertakings with organic structure sections outside their impersonal scope in a amused position. The upper arm and shoulder zone impersonal position is relaxed with the shoulders down and on the same degree, with weaponries at the side. Operating with the weaponries abducted off from the organic structure, overextended and shoulders stooped puts these articulations at the terminal of their normal scope of gesture, requires more muscular force and greatly increases the hazard for hurt. Labored sitting places, such as leaning sideways, writhing the vertebral column, flexing frontward or slouching Begin in response to compensation for specific work relationships but can go wont over clip. Position and positioning profile factors such as torso turn, tipped shoulders, caput tilt/rotation, raised cubituss ( either dominant, non-dominant, or both ) and runing with custodies near to the face are associated with increased hazard of musculoskeletal symptoms. Vibration Vibration is the oscillating gesture of a physical organic structure. Vibration has been found to be an aetiologic factor in work environments utilizing tools vibrating in the frequence set of 20 to 80 hertz. localized quiver, such as quiver of the manus and arm, occurs when a specific portion of the organic structure comes into contact with vibrating objects such as powered manus tools ( e.g. concatenation saw, electric drill, come offing cock ) or equipment ( e.g. wood planing machine, punch imperativeness, boxing machine ) . Whole-body quiver occurs when standing or sitting in vibrating environments ( e.g. driving a truck over rough roads ) or when utilizing heavy vibrating equipment that requires whole organic structure engagement ( e.g. air hammers ) Cold Temperature. Cold temperature refer to exposure to excessive cold while executing work undertakings. Cold temperatures can cut down the sleight and sensitiveness of the custodies. Cold temperatures, for illustration, do the worker to use more clasp force to keep and tools and objects. Besides, prolonged contact with cold surfaces ( e.g. managing cold meat ) can impair sleight and bring on numbness. Cold is a job when it is present with other hazard factors and is particularly debatable when it is present with quiver exposure. Of these hazard factors, force ( i.e. forceful efforts ) , repeat and awkward positions, particularly when happening at high degrees or in combination, are most frequently associated with the happening of MSDs. Exposure to one ergonomic factor may be adequate to do or lend to a covered MSD. However, most frequently ergonomic hazard factors act in combination to make a jeopardy. Jobs that have a multiple hazard factor have a greater likeliness of doing an MSD, depending on the continuance, frequence and/or magnitude of exposure to each. Therefore, it is of import that ergonomic hazard factors be considered in visible radiation of their combined consequence in doing or lending to an MSD. How to cite The Nature Of Ergonomics Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

My Inspirational Awakening Essay Example For Students

My Inspirational Awakening Essay My Inspirational AwakeningHow do you describe one of your best friends? Do you talk about his natural talent? Do you say how great a guy he is? Or do you say how he is just a dork? Cody Werner, is someone who I can say a lot about, and still not even come close to describing him adequately. He is a renaissance man, an individual who possesses a distinct personality that sets him apart. Simply put, he is like no one else I have ever met. Cody keeps it real in the face of opposition, even when no one else is baking him up. He is someone who is consistently dedicated to what he believes. Codys actions have proven this many times, and Ive often found myself looking at them for inspiration. At school, his uniqueness is misinterpreted. His laid back attitude is misconceived as laziness. His unique opinions are sometimes thought of as insulting and taken personal; when in fact Cody only making observations. He sees the world like no else. I met Cody three years ago when I moved to Santa Ros a. Since then I have been inspired countless times to remain true to myself. At a time where so many people are narrow-minded and hypocritical, Cody has kept it real. I went to Lake Tahoe with him recently. It was around three a.m. and we were both hungry. We had just come from the casinos to search for some, real, non-over priced food. We drove around for about 15 minutes, but no places were open. Just as we had given up hope, we drove past a Dennys, not what we had in mind. Never the less we were hungry and willing to save a few dollars on bargain food. As we sat in our booth, Cody observed a young man sitting at the bar, no more than ten feet away from us. Cody observed this gentlemen as he ate his food and talked with a woman, who Im guessing was his girlfriend. After a few minutes of watching this man, Cody really got in to it. What the fk? Dude, that really pisses me off? look at this guy over here. Hes sittin there eating his chicken wings, when all that chick wants to do is get out this place so they canbut no hes just sitting there sucking on his ranch dressing and chicken wings. Dude! He just spilled some on his shirt. Im gonna get up and hit him Dan! Hes a fag?look at him Dan?just look it at him?it pisses me off!I know the couple at the bar heard us because an older guy at the far end of the bar was laughing through Codys entire proclamation. He didnt do this to impress anyone or to harass the couple at the bar, he just stated how he felt. He was over dramatic in doing so, but thats the way he is. If you knew him youd understand. Many people are afraid to open themselves up so much, especially in public. Theyre too afraid of what others might think. At the dark root of this problem is the whats cool concern. Whos cool? Whos lame? Were chillin with the cool guys. This guys the *censored*. That guys a *censored*. Those pants are lame and those shoes are wack. With such a narrow minded view of whats cool you could be standing next to the best person in the world and not realize it, because they are not fitting the frame of whats cool now. Jesus Christ could be standing next to you, but you wouldnt think he was cool because he didnt have the right shoes on or something. Through Codys actions I had realized that it was all up to me to follow my own path. He had shown me that trying to be cool is definitely not. I had a revelation, based on my own views. I realized that whats cool is what has been and always will be. Doing the right thing even when its not popular or may not be in fashion. Be into life for the long run, not just for the fast kill. Try never to injure the spirit of a person or any living thing. Treat people with respect and dignity?even the ones who arent cool. Unconditional love is pretty cool. Honesty and forgiveness are cool. Writing about whats cool is uncool, and Im almost positive I dont have the right shoes on. I knew t hese truths before, but I didnt act on them fearing the social consequences of rejection. Cody showed me that as long as you are true to yourself thats all that matters. His ability to always keep it real has inspired me to act out on my beliefs. The response has been unbelievable. People seem to embrace my views and beliefs even if they are different from the norm. .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b , .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b .postImageUrl , .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b , .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b:hover , .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b:visited , .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b:active { border:0!important; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b:active , .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Kiss Kiss EssaySocial Issues