Monday, December 30, 2019

Existential Psychology - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 354 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/09/20 Category Psychology Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? Existential theory is the emphasize on the isolation and uniqueness of an individual within a different universe , the regards of the unexplainable state of human existence and the stress on the freedom of responsibility and choice on the acts that one does . It is a basic tool that is used to grant therapeutic assistance to a person in discovering the concepts held in his /her life . This is in aid of bringing a concise meaning about an individual s life . Existential therapy aims at guiding individuals in confronting the anxieties in their lives . It aims at helping the client in making credible choices about the aspects that confront ones life . It emphasizes on the reflection on what could be the causes of meaningless and loneliness in ones life therefore finding out the best ways of copying with the anxieties held in their life . It does not however seek at eliminating these anxieties but only models the best ways in which one can cope adequately with them (Paul , 2007 ) However , the nature of the therapy does not address the appeals to most of the general population . This is because those aggrieved by foundations of anxieties would only be seeking rational ways of how to eliminate them rather than to cope with them . The better part of the society does not attribute the role of existential therapy in addressing the needs of their lives . It only seeks at postponing the actualities of anxiety that could be of influence to ones life (Thompson , 2007 ) Existential therapy is ideally emotional . This is by its sense of causing effects in response in the person s emotional attributes that are held in the body . A person is only accredited towards shaping and changing the perceptions of the anxious feeling that he /she has within oneself . Consequently , the emotional context of this therapy is what brings the responsive effect that is held by the therapy (Bill , 2006 ) Reference Thompson Guy (2007 ) Apprehending the Inaccessible : Freudia n Psychoanalysis and Existential Phenomenology . Journal of Phenomenological Psychology , Vol . 38 Bill Jerald (2006 ) An Existential View of Adolescent Development . Adolescence , Vol . 40 Paul Felix (2007 ) Psychotherapy and Existential Therapy . Journal of Phenomenological Psychology , Vol . 33 Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Existential Psychology" essay for you Create order

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Technical Marketing Strategy For Arts - 885 Words

As the visual arts intern at Blue medium—one of the leading art PR firms in NYC—my experience has taught me aspects I could have never learned at a typical PR agency or traditional art institutions. By helping with several ongoing projects of big clients, such as IFPDA Print Fair, The Museum of the Moving Image and Albertz Benda gallery, I learned how an art PR firm operates and how to conduct a comprehensive marketing strategy for arts institutions. To summarize my learning points, here are three lessons I learned that were essential in understanding the future of Blue Medium and art PR Industry. First is the importance of converging public relations and arts. PR is an old industry, but it’s a relatively new phenomenon in the art world. In the mid-1990s, art PR was almost nonexistent, save for large general practice firms like Ruder Finn (which had arts divisions that handled mostly institutional clients like museums) and some burgeoning agencies like Fitz C o. For commercial galleries, which had just lurched their way through a recession, hiring a PR firm was considered an extravagance, and maybe even a little gauche; the received wisdom was that if a gallery had good artists and exhibitions, the press would come clamoring. However, things have changed. For instance, Pace gallery, one of the biggest galleries in NYC, corporates with Sutton PR for event management and network consultant. With the boom in art galleries and art fairs, art institutions need not only toShow MoreRelatedBike Art Company s Marketing Objectives1720 Words   |  7 PagesBike Art (Art and Furniture Retail company)’s marketing objectives: to increase the sales to $316,332 and improve the brand image by 5.69%. Performance targets to staff: customer service skills need to be 6.2%, customer complaint rates should be no more than 3.2%, product knowledge test needs to be 10.2%. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Nature Of Ergonomics Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

string(64) " by the affected individual during non-occupational activities\." ‘Ergonomics ‘ comes from two Grecian words, ‘ergos ‘ ( work ) and ‘nomos ‘ ( natural Torahs ) . Murrell developed the name in 1949 after working with a squad of physiologists, anatomists and applied scientists at Cambridge University during World War II on the design of arm systems to accommodate worlds ( Murrell 1975 ) . At the terminal of the War, the group stayed together to organize the Ergonomics Research Society, which became the precursor of similar administrations that exist in many states today. We will write a custom essay sample on The Nature Of Ergonomics Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the United States of America, this activity is referred to as Human Factors and several thousand full-time professionals are members of the Human Factors Society. In Australia, the Ergonomics Society of Australia Inc3 is besides a strong association with about 650 professionals working in the countries of biotechnologies, occupational wellness and safety, and design. Biotechnologies is the scientific survey of people, their work and their environment and utilizations informations derived from technology, anatomical, physiological and psychological beginnings ( Standards Association of Australia 1976, p. 6 ) . The Standards Association papers described biotechnologies as â€Å" the design of work so that the best usage is made of human capablenesss without transcending human restrictions † ( Standards Association of Australia 1976, p. 6 ) . This description was supported by Worksafe Australia ( 1989a, p. 44 ) , which stated that biotechnologies: purposes to advance the wellbeing, safety and efficiency of the worker by the survey of his or her capablenesss and restrictions in relation to the work system, machine or undertaking and in relation to the physical, psychological and societal environment in which he or she works. A more elaborate definition describes biotechnologies as: that subdivision of scientific discipline and engineering that includes what is known and theorized about human behavioral and biological features that can be validly applied to the specification, design, rating, operation, and care of merchandises and systems to heighten safe, effectual, and fulfilling usage by persons, groups and organisations ( Christensen et Al. 1988 ) . More late the Ergonomics Society of Australia Inc ( ESA ) ( 2001, p. 2 ) adopted the definition of biotechnologies as approved by the International Ergonomics Association, as follows: Biotechnologies ( or human factors ) is the scientific subject concerned with the apprehension of the interactions among worlds and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, rules, informations and methods to plan in order to optimize human good being and overall system public presentation. This definition placed accent on biotechnologies as a ‘systems-oriented subject ‘ . The ESA noted that â€Å" ergonomists must hold a wide apprehension of the full range of the subject, taking into history the physical, cognitive, societal, organizational, environmental and other relevant factors, and that they may work in peculiar ‘application spheres ‘ , depicting three spheres as: Physical Ergonomics – concerned with human anatomical, anthropometric, physiological and biomechanical features as they relate to physical activity. Cognitive Ergonomics – concerned with mental procedures, such as perceptual experience, memory, concluding and motor response, as they affect interactions among worlds and other elements of a system. Organizational Ergonomics – concerned with the optimization of sociotechnical systems, including their organizational constructions, policies and procedures ( ESA 2001, p. 2 ) . Historically, the development of biotechnologies in Australia was closely associated with occupational wellness and safety due to the high incidence of musculoskeletal hurts in the workplace. Since so, the demand for a holistic attack â€Å" to counter the increasing impact of rapid technological alteration has been emphasized † ( Bullock 1999, p. 36 ) . Biotechnologies is â€Å" an attack † , â€Å" a doctrine † , â€Å" a manner of taking history of people in the manner we design and organize things † ( Wilson 1990, p. 3 ) that may be used to supply an environment in which worlds can bring forth their work in harmoniousness with ‘the machine ‘ to the improvement of work quality and measure and the care or betterment of the physical and behavioural environment. The application of biotechnologies within administrations can ensue in improved working techniques, decreased mistakes and accidents, improved industrial dealingss, and increased efficiency. By diminishing disablement and increasing work satisfaction and productiveness, biotechnologies contributes to a better quality of work life. The doctrine is to â€Å" change the undertaking to accommodate human capacity, instead than force the human to accommodate to an inappropriate undertaking † ( Patkin 1987, pp. 2, 4 ) . Among the cardinal issues related to optimum human interaction with computing machines were the physical layout of the computer science environment, illuming degrees and sound degrees ( Harper 1991, p. 39 ) . In an attempt to continually better the on the job conditions for computing machine users, biotechnologies research workers studied jobs related to equipment, furniture and the workstation environment. However, Patkin ( cited in Moore 1990, p. 45 ) noted that, while holding a suited environment and well-designed furniture and equipment is of import, it is besides of import that people â€Å" cognize how to utilize it right and integrate it into the sum work topographic point system † . The last clause is a major focal point of this thesis. ERGONOMIC RISK FACTORS Biotechnologies hazard factors are the facets of a occupation or undertaking that impose a biochemical emphasis on the worker. Biotechnologies hazard factors are the interactive elements of musculoskeletal disease jeopardies. The undermentioned ergonomic hazard factors are most likely to do or lend to an MSD. aˆ? repeat aˆ? force aˆ? contact emphasiss aˆ? awkward position aˆ? quiver aˆ? cold temperature aˆ? extrinsic emphasis It is of import to understand what a hazard factor is, or instead is non. A hazard factor itself is non needfully a causing agent for any peculiar MSD. Most of the times it is non merely the presence of a hazard factor, but the degree to which the hazard factor is conveyed that may take to MSDs. Similarly, to the extent a MSD instance is due to a hazard factor, sometimes it will be a combination of multiple hazard factors, instead than any individual factor, which contributes to or causes an MSD. It is besides important to observe, in measuring any peculiar instance of a MSD, that hazard factors may be experienced by the affected individual during non-occupational activities. You read "The Nature Of Ergonomics Health And Social Care Essay" in category "Essay examples" when covering with any ergonomic issue, it would be a mistake to concentrate entirely on the workplace. Furthermore, non every person exposed to any or all of these hazard factors will develop a MSD. Nor, for that affair, will any two individuals who are exposed to the same combination of hazard factors and in the same phase, respond to them in the same manner. However, because these are common factors that may convey approximately to a MSD in some combination and in some persons, these seven hazard agents are discussed in greater item below. Repeats. Repeat rate is determined as the mean figure of motions or efforts executed by a joint or a organic structure nexus within a unit of clip. Repeated indistinguishable or similar gestures performed over a period of clip may do over-extension and overexploitation of some musculus groups, which may take to muscular fatigue. Interestingly, symptoms often associate non to the sinew and musculus groups involved in insistent motions, but to the stabilizing or counter sinew and musculus groups used to put and stabilise the appendage in infinite. Frequently, by altering undertakings, musculus groups have periods of activity interchanged with periods of remainder, which may be good in cut downing the cause of hurt. Force. Force is the mechanical or physical attempt to put to death a specific gesture or effort. Tasks or gestures that require application of higher force topographic point higher mechanical tonss on musculuss, sinews, ligaments and articulations. Tasks affecting high forces may do musculuss to tire more rapidly. High forces may besides take to annoyance, redness, strains and cryings of musculuss, sinews and other tissues. The force required to finish a motion additions when other hazard factors are besides involved. For illustration more physical attempt may be needed to execute undertakings when the velocity or acceleration of gestures additions, when quiver is present, or when the undertaking besides requires awkward positions. Force can be internal, such as when tenseness develops within the musculuss, ligaments and sinews during motion. Force can be external, as when a force is applied to the organic structure, either voluntarily or involuntarily. Forceful motions is most frequently associated with the motion of heavy tonss, such as raising heavy objects on and off a conveyer, presenting heavy bundles, forcing a heavy cart, or traveling a palette. Hand tools that involve pinch clasps require more forceful efforts than those that allow other clasps, such as power clasps. Contact Stresses. Contact emphasis consequences from periodic, repeated or uninterrupted contact between sensitive organic structure tissue and difficult or crisp object. Contact emphasis normally affects the soft tissue on the fingers, thenars, forearms, shins, thighs and pess. This contact may make force per unit area over a little country of the organic structure ( e.g. carpus, forearm ) that may suppress blood flow, sinew and musculus gesture and nervus map. Examples of contact emphasis include resting carpuss on the crisp border of a desk or workstation when executing undertakings, pressing of tool grips into the thenar, particularly when they can non be put down, undertakings that involve manus pound, and sitting without equal remainder for the articulatio genuss. Awkward Position Position is the arrangement of a portion of the organic structure comparative to an next portion as measured by the angle of the joint associating them. Postural emphasis is seting on an extreme position at or shut to the normal scope of gesture. Position is one of the most frequently mentioned occupational hazard factors. There is an inert country of gesture for every jointing articulation in the organic structure. For each joint the scope of gesture is determined by motions that do non affect high muscular force or cause inordinate uncomfortableness. Injury hazards increase whenever work requires an single to put to death undertakings with organic structure sections outside their impersonal scope in a amused position. The upper arm and shoulder zone impersonal position is relaxed with the shoulders down and on the same degree, with weaponries at the side. Operating with the weaponries abducted off from the organic structure, overextended and shoulders stooped puts these articulations at the terminal of their normal scope of gesture, requires more muscular force and greatly increases the hazard for hurt. Labored sitting places, such as leaning sideways, writhing the vertebral column, flexing frontward or slouching Begin in response to compensation for specific work relationships but can go wont over clip. Position and positioning profile factors such as torso turn, tipped shoulders, caput tilt/rotation, raised cubituss ( either dominant, non-dominant, or both ) and runing with custodies near to the face are associated with increased hazard of musculoskeletal symptoms. Vibration Vibration is the oscillating gesture of a physical organic structure. Vibration has been found to be an aetiologic factor in work environments utilizing tools vibrating in the frequence set of 20 to 80 hertz. localized quiver, such as quiver of the manus and arm, occurs when a specific portion of the organic structure comes into contact with vibrating objects such as powered manus tools ( e.g. concatenation saw, electric drill, come offing cock ) or equipment ( e.g. wood planing machine, punch imperativeness, boxing machine ) . Whole-body quiver occurs when standing or sitting in vibrating environments ( e.g. driving a truck over rough roads ) or when utilizing heavy vibrating equipment that requires whole organic structure engagement ( e.g. air hammers ) Cold Temperature. Cold temperature refer to exposure to excessive cold while executing work undertakings. Cold temperatures can cut down the sleight and sensitiveness of the custodies. Cold temperatures, for illustration, do the worker to use more clasp force to keep and tools and objects. Besides, prolonged contact with cold surfaces ( e.g. managing cold meat ) can impair sleight and bring on numbness. Cold is a job when it is present with other hazard factors and is particularly debatable when it is present with quiver exposure. Of these hazard factors, force ( i.e. forceful efforts ) , repeat and awkward positions, particularly when happening at high degrees or in combination, are most frequently associated with the happening of MSDs. Exposure to one ergonomic factor may be adequate to do or lend to a covered MSD. However, most frequently ergonomic hazard factors act in combination to make a jeopardy. Jobs that have a multiple hazard factor have a greater likeliness of doing an MSD, depending on the continuance, frequence and/or magnitude of exposure to each. Therefore, it is of import that ergonomic hazard factors be considered in visible radiation of their combined consequence in doing or lending to an MSD. How to cite The Nature Of Ergonomics Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

My Inspirational Awakening Essay Example For Students

My Inspirational Awakening Essay My Inspirational AwakeningHow do you describe one of your best friends? Do you talk about his natural talent? Do you say how great a guy he is? Or do you say how he is just a dork? Cody Werner, is someone who I can say a lot about, and still not even come close to describing him adequately. He is a renaissance man, an individual who possesses a distinct personality that sets him apart. Simply put, he is like no one else I have ever met. Cody keeps it real in the face of opposition, even when no one else is baking him up. He is someone who is consistently dedicated to what he believes. Codys actions have proven this many times, and Ive often found myself looking at them for inspiration. At school, his uniqueness is misinterpreted. His laid back attitude is misconceived as laziness. His unique opinions are sometimes thought of as insulting and taken personal; when in fact Cody only making observations. He sees the world like no else. I met Cody three years ago when I moved to Santa Ros a. Since then I have been inspired countless times to remain true to myself. At a time where so many people are narrow-minded and hypocritical, Cody has kept it real. I went to Lake Tahoe with him recently. It was around three a.m. and we were both hungry. We had just come from the casinos to search for some, real, non-over priced food. We drove around for about 15 minutes, but no places were open. Just as we had given up hope, we drove past a Dennys, not what we had in mind. Never the less we were hungry and willing to save a few dollars on bargain food. As we sat in our booth, Cody observed a young man sitting at the bar, no more than ten feet away from us. Cody observed this gentlemen as he ate his food and talked with a woman, who Im guessing was his girlfriend. After a few minutes of watching this man, Cody really got in to it. What the fk? Dude, that really pisses me off? look at this guy over here. Hes sittin there eating his chicken wings, when all that chick wants to do is get out this place so they canbut no hes just sitting there sucking on his ranch dressing and chicken wings. Dude! He just spilled some on his shirt. Im gonna get up and hit him Dan! Hes a fag?look at him Dan?just look it at him?it pisses me off!I know the couple at the bar heard us because an older guy at the far end of the bar was laughing through Codys entire proclamation. He didnt do this to impress anyone or to harass the couple at the bar, he just stated how he felt. He was over dramatic in doing so, but thats the way he is. If you knew him youd understand. Many people are afraid to open themselves up so much, especially in public. Theyre too afraid of what others might think. At the dark root of this problem is the whats cool concern. Whos cool? Whos lame? Were chillin with the cool guys. This guys the *censored*. That guys a *censored*. Those pants are lame and those shoes are wack. With such a narrow minded view of whats cool you could be standing next to the best person in the world and not realize it, because they are not fitting the frame of whats cool now. Jesus Christ could be standing next to you, but you wouldnt think he was cool because he didnt have the right shoes on or something. Through Codys actions I had realized that it was all up to me to follow my own path. He had shown me that trying to be cool is definitely not. I had a revelation, based on my own views. I realized that whats cool is what has been and always will be. Doing the right thing even when its not popular or may not be in fashion. Be into life for the long run, not just for the fast kill. Try never to injure the spirit of a person or any living thing. Treat people with respect and dignity?even the ones who arent cool. Unconditional love is pretty cool. Honesty and forgiveness are cool. Writing about whats cool is uncool, and Im almost positive I dont have the right shoes on. I knew t hese truths before, but I didnt act on them fearing the social consequences of rejection. Cody showed me that as long as you are true to yourself thats all that matters. His ability to always keep it real has inspired me to act out on my beliefs. The response has been unbelievable. People seem to embrace my views and beliefs even if they are different from the norm. .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b , .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b .postImageUrl , .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b , .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b:hover , .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b:visited , .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b:active { border:0!important; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b:active , .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u33b37e742f1ecbf85d4fed677d06d30b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Kiss Kiss EssaySocial Issues

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Why do price controls require hospitals to make a trade an Example by

Why do price controls require hospitals to make a trade-off One of the very recent bills that most of the Congress in the world is the one that concerns the prices of medical expenditures or most commonly known as the price controls bill. Stated in this bill, government can interfere medical institutions in fixing prices for expenditures such as cost of operations and the price of medicines. Also, the government subsidizes expenditures, a part or even whole of the medical cost for a patient. Need essay sample on "Why do price controls require hospitals to make a trade-off" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed The idea of price controls may seem beneficial since the government can make the prices low so that the public can enjoy health care for low prices also. Somehow, this will cost many problems; first of all, patients have different degree of sickness. For example, two patients are diagnose with cataract, if one is worse than other, then the medical personnel would expend a little more on the severe patient. Abiding the price control policy, they will both pay the same amount. The problem about this is whether the price assigned is too low or too high for expenditure. If the price is set too high, the quality of medical service would be better since they are funded with more money now. Well, in this manner, hospital will benefit and will have improvement. In the same scenario, maybe, most of the patients cannot afford the price of medication, thus, not enabling them from acquiring the needed service. The result of making the price to high is quality of medical service for the hospital but fewer patients that can afford to acquire the service. Now, let us look at the scenario in which prices are set to be too low. Since the medical service is too low, the purchasing power increases. Hence, more patients can avail the services offered by hospital; but because of the low cost of medication, the quality of medical service is sacrificed. Hospitals and other medical institutions will have a lower funding for quality improvement, and they can even find way in pushing away patients for they may lose the business aspects, that is only possible when the prices are very very low. Hence, the result of having the price is too low is more can afford the services but quality is sacrificed. In the end, hospitals are forced to give up one of these two thing quality of service and number of patients serve. Unless one is given less importance, both of these will be ineffective. References Gaumer Gary. (December 22, 1994). Hospital Wage and Price Control: Lessons from the Economic Stabilization Program. 1 July 2007.

Monday, November 25, 2019

To Build a Fire essays

To Build a Fire essays In the story "To Build a Fire" by Jack London, there are three principal themes. They are respecting nature, and considering results of actions. The main theme, or universal truth, is heeding warnings. The themes are shown through the character and his actions. The main character in the story had an attitude that prevented him from heeding internal and external warnings. He did not respect nature's power, and therefore he paid with his life. His attitude was arrogant and careless. The man had no imagination and only understood facts. He knew it was very cold and his body was numb, but he failed to realize the danger. A newcomer with no experience, he thought he was invincible. Neither the "absence of sun from the sky," nor "the tremendous cold" made any effect on him. For example, the temperature was less than -50 degrees. He did not care about how much colder it was. To him, it was just a number. He did not think of his "frailty as a creature of temperature." When the "old-timer at Sulphur Creek" warned him not to travel alone in such cold, the man laughed at him. The old-timer had experience and knowledge, yet the man called him "womanish." Even when the man knew he was about to die, he thought, "freezing was not so bad as people thought," and "When he got back to the States he could tell folks what real cold was." These quotes show that the man did not take his situation seriously. Instead of dying with dignity, he t hought about how foolish he looked "running like a chicken with it's head off." He was ignorant, unimaginative, foolish and doomed. The man learns his lesson the hard way. The man encountered many internal warnings that it was too cold to be outside. First, his nose and cheeks went numb. His face, feet, and hands followed. His beard and mustache grew icy from his breath. Rubbing his face and beating his hands only temporarily helped his circulation. After he got his feet wet, they froze. His fingers "seemed remote f ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

To What Extent Are a Company's Annual Report and Accounts Essay

To What Extent Are a Company's Annual Report and Accounts - Essay Example The decisions made by these executives are made on the basis of the calculations resulting from value added. If the value added ensures an improvement in the value of single unit of supply input then the decision is directed accordingly (Gilchrist, R., 1971). The concept of value added is greatly described by Bernard Cox in his book ‘Value Added: an appreciation for the accountant concerned with industry’. In this book the author has explained various methods through which value added can be made useful in managerial applications, evaluating the annual reports and account of the company. The most applicable way understanding and utilizing value added is to subtract purchases from sales and sum up profits generated by the company, depreciation expense accumulated over the assets, interest expense for the loans made by the company, payroll costs which is the amount paid to the employees and workers, dividends paid to the shareholders and tax paid to the government. The sub tracted amount represents that how the value added is created in the first place. All the expenses are summed up with the profits to get an amount which is then the representative of the generated amount by the company or in other words how the company has utilized its wealth (Cox, B., 1979). The value added calculation which is done to analyze a company’s overall performance level is somewhat similar to the calculations done to determine the national accounts with respect to the whole economy. Therefore it would be right to say that the concept of value added is not new for the accountants and financial professionals rather it do existed in the early 20th century as well. The similarly between national accounting and value added is briefly defined by Cox. He demonstrated... This paper approves that value added framework of accounting describes the current position of the company with respect to its productivity; that how much sales it has generated and where the revenues are spent, market share; which explains the growth rate of the company and also suggests the potential areas for further development, lastly, financial performance is analyzed through this substantial accounting tool, the loss/gain earned by the company including all the generated profits. At time value added is confused with the sales revenue despite of the fact that there is a marked difference between the two. This report makes a conclusion that the value added should not be misinterpreted with the sales revenue because it is the computation of the net instead of the gross production of any revenue generating institution whether it is a country, company or a factory. The importance of value added and its procedures is also emphasized by the Financial Accounting Standards Board by mentioning that the value added along with its procedures and calculations is as reliable as any other financial statement, for instance, the balance sheet. This infers that value added can be used extensively in order to make evaluations about the company performance and to make generalization about the overall industry. The famous brands Caterpillar and Komatsu can be compared with each other by calculating the valued added amount for one company and then make it a benchmark to compare the other company’s performance. The value added can also be used to identify the strong company when comparing two or mo re companies together.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Man Dedicated to the Struggle for Racial Equality Research Paper

A Man Dedicated to the Struggle for Racial Equality - Research Paper Example Though Dr. Chavis is well-known as a civil right movement leader who worked closely with the Prominent African-American leader, Martin Luther King, he has actively took part in a number of other movements including â€Å"National African American Leadership Summit† (NAALS), â€Å"National Association for the Advancement of Colored People† (NAACP), Million March, etc. From the very beginning of his youth, he has started an activist’s life. While he had been a freshman at St. Augustine College in 1965, he became Martin Luther King’s youth coordinator for the State of North Carolina. In the same year, he also joined the â€Å"Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee† (SNCC), the â€Å"American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees† (AFSCME), and the â€Å"Congress of Racial Equality† (CORE). Religious Activism of Benjamin Chavis Mohammed One of the most significant aspects of Benjamin Chavis’ activism is the religiou s dimension. ... In 1968, starting his career as a field officer in the â€Å"United Church of Christ Commission for Racial Justice† Chavis Mohammad significantly contributed to the coordination of racial justice strategies with American Black community. Starting with the membership in the â€Å"Southern Christian Leadership Conference† (SCLC) Benjamin had been involved with a significant number of Christianity related organizations throughout his whole life until he joined the Nation of Islam. Though his strategy to join the Nation of Islam was to set an example of peaceful religious cohabitation and to increase the religious tolerance, he was suspended by the authority of the â€Å"United Church of Christ† (UCC). Often some critics allege that Benjamin Chavis’ religiosity was more of a strategy to survive amid the hostility of the whites than of a wholehearted Christian emotion. In this regard, Encyclopedia of World Biography writes that in the mid 20th century, even as the walls of racial segregation was crumbling down under the crushing pressures of various civil society movements, leaders like Chavis Muhammad and Martin Luther King’s were being â€Å"shaped against this back drop of hatred and bigotry. Chavis became involved in his church, finding shelter from such hostile attitudes†. (Encyclopedia of World Biography 1) Racial Awareness and Family-inspiration to Fight for Rights Since Benjamin Chavis was blissfully born in a self-aware African-American family, he was familiar with the black people’s struggle for right in the white dominated US society.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Impact of work life imbalance on the productivity of workers in Saudi Essay - 4

Impact of work life imbalance on the productivity of workers in Saudi public sector - Essay Example Based on recent labour surveys, about 14.9 % of the workforce in Saudi Arabia is in the public sector (Kechrid, 2012). According to the Saudi Arabia Oil and Gas Report by Business Monitor International (2009), the local workforce in Saudi includes of about 3.2 million citizens. However, recent demographic trends suggest that this number will increase in the future based on a forecast of 4% annual increase in local workforce. It is clear that Saudi Arabian people value family more than work. The situation is even more pronounced for women since they have the greatest responsibilities in taking care of family needs. The gender imbalance in the labour force in Saudi Arabia is such that women make up less than 5% of the nation’s workforce (BusinessMonitorInternational, 2009). The ‘Saudization’ programme greatly affects the working context in Saudi. The program aims to increase the number of Saudi citizens working in the private sector by compelling companies to hire Saudi citizens rather than foreign workers. In current society, organisational pressures force people to work long hours in order to achieve organisational goals. The high level of competition in the labour market forces workers to take on a higher workload than their optimal workload capacity (Greenhaus, 2011). This market effect can create an unwelcome imbalance between work and life. The culture of the people of Saudi Arabia places a high value on family in a person’s life. Therefore, work life imbalance is an important issue in the lives of workers in Saudi Arabia. Work-life imbalance refers to a situation whereby an individual fails to engage in a balanced way in family and work roles (Darcy, 2007). Work-life imbalance is a common problem among public sector workers in Saudi Arabia whereby many people become too involved in their work and consequently, their family and social lives suffer (Stephens, 2014). Because of inefficiency and poor

Friday, November 15, 2019

Nestle Boxed Water Executive Summary Management Essay

Nestle Boxed Water Executive Summary Management Essay The main point of this report is to show how Nestle will implement their Boxed Water products in the United Kingdom for diversification of their product line. The report starts by giving some historical data about Nestle, and providing a list of products that Nestle offers to their customers worldwide. It will analyze the business proficiency of Nestle, and analyze the bottled water industry, supplemented by a further analysis of our competitors and the macro environment. It continues by discussing the business principles of the United Kingdom, and show some key business challenges for Nestle. Finally, the study recommends some suggestions to Nestle regarding the business principles and products required to achieve sustainable growth in the long run and the process of the manufacture and sale of Boxed Water in the United Kingdom. Table of Contents 1.0 Nestle Nestle is a well-known Swiss multinational company that specializes in nutritional food and consumer goods. The company is headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland, and was established by Henri Nestle in the year 1866. In its initial year they were named Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company, and in the next thirty nine years the company would change their name twice. Finally, in the year 1905 the company changed their name to Nestle. Nestle is the largest food company in the world in terms of annual revenue, and also acts as major shareholder for LOreal (largest cosmetics company in the world). Nestle offers various products such as Maggi, Stouffers, Nespresso, KitKat, Nescafe, Smarties, Vittel, and Nesquik to global customers. Nestle employs more than 330000 people all together in over 150 countries, and has 461 factories established across the globe. Sales revenue for the company in the year 2011 was CHF 83.7 billion. Major milestones for the company can be summarized in the following man ner: Time Period Event 1866-1905 The Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company merged with Nestle. 1906-1918 Number of factories decreased due to world war I but the company started their operations in the USA. 1919-1945 The company launched Nescafe. 1946-1975 The company acquired Alimentana in order to gain access to Maggi products. They also became a major shareholder with LOreal. 1976-1980 The company entered in pharmaceutical market by acquiring Alcon Laboratories of USA 1981-1995 The company acquired American food giant Carnation to improve their bottom line. In 1986, the company entered espresso coffee segment by launching Nespresso. 1996-2005 The company expanded their operation in the segment of health, nutrition, and wellness with the help of series of acquisition. 2006-2009 The company acquired Medical Nutrition unit of Novartis. The company established shared value forum in New York. 2010-2012 The company launched Cocoa Plan in order to supply disease resistant plantlets to farmers. (Source: Nestle, 2012) 1.1 Nestle Bottled Water The bottled water segment contributes a significant amount of product diversification for the company. A way that Nestle has been able to maintain their dominance of the bottled water industry worldwide is through offering different brands of bottled water. Some of these brands are: Nestle Pure Life The company launched Pure Life in the year 1998. This product is currently being sold in over twenty countries. Perrier This is a form of sparkling mineral water. Nestle introduced this brand in order to enter the sparkling mineral water segment. Poland Spring This is the oldest mineral water brand in the world. Nestle has maintained the brand for many years. S. Pellegrino Nestle launched this brand in order to gain access to top restaurants in the world. S. Pellegrino is a form of drinking water mixed with minerals (Nestle, 2012). 1.2 Analysis of Product portfolio of Nestle Most people know Nestle by their brand and product portfolio. The product portfolio of Nestle can be summarized in the following chart: (Source: Nestle, 2012) The company maintains a broad product portfolio in order to compensate loss from any single segment. Sales volume for the company is increasing at a rate of more than 3% during the last few years. Segment wise product portfolio can be divided into three segments like food beverages, nutrition and ice cream. The company is always thriving to find excellence in product innovation and service delivery. The company achieved 7.7% of organic growth in the year of 2011 by maintain their large product portfolio. The following section will discuss about product innovation in Nestle. Segment Product Target Market Business Strategy Ice Cream Nestle Gold Portugal, Spain, and Greece The company collaborated with Haagen- Dazs in order to provide premium quality ice cream to customers and they did it in order to achieve product diversification Water Perrier 150 countries across the globe Nestle diversified their business into the bottled water segment. The company used a digital platform to engage customers with the Perrier brand Coffee Nescafe Alegria More than 60 countries The company launched an easy to use instant coffee machine to flip the brand. Pet Product Purina Netherlands , Austria and Germany Special TV commercial for dogs and dog owners. With help of this activity the company entered the web 4.0 era Nutritional milk MOM me South Asian countries They expanded their distribution channels by recruiting nutrition officers (Source: Nestle, 2012a) Top performing brands of the company have helped them earn respect from customers. The following section will discuss contribution of brands carried by the company towards overall organic growth. Overall Organic Growth 7.7% Nescafe Nan Milo Nespresso Pure Life Nido Maggi 11% 18% 13% 22% 11% 11% 10% (Source: Nestle, 2012) 1.3 Organizational Structure of Nestle (Nestle, 2012) D. P. Frick (Corporate Service Governance) J.-M. Duvoisin (Human Resource) R. Ramsauer (Corporate Communication) P. Bulcke (CEO) L. Cantarell (Nestle Health Science) P. Brabeck-Letmathe (Chairman) Executive Board (P. Bulcke, W. Bauer, J. Lopez, J. J. Harris, L. Freixe, C. Johnson, P. Bula, N. Nandkishore, W.L. Martello, M. Caira, J.-M. Duvoisin, K. Schmidt and D.P. Frick C. Johnson (USA Head) N. Nandkishore (Asia/Africa/Oceania Head) L. Freixe (Europe Zone Head) J. J. Harris (Nestle Water) M. Caira (Nestle Professional) K. Schmidt (Nestle Nutrition) W. Bauer (Technology, RD P. Bula (Marketing Sales) J. Lopez (Operation) W.L. Martello (Finance Control) P. Bulcke (CEO) 1.4 Global Presence of Nestle The company operates in more than one hundred and fifty countries. Recently the company has launched their nutrition product segment in the South Asian Market. Africa is also becoming lucrative in terms of nutritional product for the company. The corporation started their first global operation almost 100 years ago, and the business has segmented their international operation into two parts: developed market and emerging market. The following chart will explain the international business growth of Nestle. Developed Market Total Contribution to group Sales Organic Growth 60% 4.3% France 6.4% Portugal, Spain, UK 3.7% Japan 3.6% North America 2.5% Emerging Market Total Contribution to group Sales Organic Growth 40% 13% China 23% India 20% Africa 18% Mexico 14% (Source: Nestle, 2012) Global operation of the company understood with the help of zone wide analysis: 1.4.1 American Zone The American market is already saturated due to the presence of a large number of consumer durable companies. In this situation Nestle has diversified their business into the frozen foods and chocolate segment by launching DiGiorno and Skinny Cow to attract customers. The company also did partnership with Hà ¤agen-Dazs in order to increase variation in their ice cream products. In Latin America, the company performed well with their soluble coffee products and achieved double digit growth. 1.4.2 Europe Zone The European market is going through a financial crisis, so overall sales growth for the company has not been very attractive for last two years. In this uncertain period, Nestle has adopted an innovation strategy to counterbalance poor performance in their different product segments. Nestle has introduced an innovative product line: Nescafe Dolce Gusto, Herta, and Nescafe Sensazione, to attract customers. This strategy was successful for the company to fetch sales from east and central Europe. 1.4.3 Asia, Africa Oceania Zone The company has had a presence in this region for more than 100 years. Recently, they have celebrated their 100 year anniversary in the following countries: Turkey (1908-2008), Philippines (1911-2011) and India (1912-2012). Maggi and Nescafe are one of the most popular products in this region while the company extended their product line with Nido essential and Nescafe Milky in order to cater demand of people belong to the Afro-Asian region. The company recently launched their nutrition division to increase penetration in the region. 1.5 Mission Objective of Nestle The company always thrives for achieving leadership position in Health Wellness, and nutrition segment. Nestle also wants to be a reference in the industry for their financial performance. 1.6 Strategic Advantage of Nestle 1.6.1 Competitive Advantage The company has carefully designed their product portfolio in order to a maintain balance with market demand. The product portfolio maintained by the company cannot be easily copied by their competitors. The company has planned their product portfolio in accordance to demand of each zone such as America, Europe and Asia. The corporation invests large amount of capital on research and development to produce better products. The company already made an agreement with a renowned university to open a research division for their nutritional products. Nestle emphasizes on using local ingredients in their products in order to satisfy demand of local customers. For example, in Malaysia, the company introduced a nutritional product complemented with Asian ingredients such as ginger, Chinese red grass and ginseng to lure local customers (Oxford Business Group Malaysia, 2008, p. 132). The brand has presence in more than 150 countries. They have the opportunity to channelize revenue from strong business unit to a poor performing region. The company also adopted a parent company strategy to control business operations internationally. Nestle has opened multiple strategic business units (SBU) across the globe to expand their business (Pride Ferrell, 2007, p. 32). The company believes employees are their asset and treat them with utmost care. Nestle feels that their employees are their biggest strength. The company has also adopted green earth strategy to decrease their carbon footprint caused by their products, working with Forest Trust in order to prevent Deforestation and decrease carbon footprint in the supply chain (Emmett Sood, 2010, p. 192). The company has announced that they will use befouls instead of tree oils in their future products in order to make their products more environment friendly. 1.6.2 Growth Drivers The business has understood that the consumer food market is becoming saturated day by day due to presence of many players. Nestle has diversified their business into Nutrition Health, and Wellness segment in order to avoid saturation in food market. Nutrition segment is showing more than 20% growth rate for past three years, which is greater than their overall organic growth of 7.7%. The company has shifted their focus on emerging markets because developed markets are already becoming saturated. Nutrition product segment of the company has readily become popular in Asian markets, while Oceanic region has contributed high sales volume for the companys coffee segment. Nestle has recently launched instant coffee machine for customers in order to give them out of home consumption experience. Many schools, colleges, and offices have already installed instant coffee machine to enjoy Nescafe. The strategy helped the company to increase their brand equity among young people. The company adopted premium pricing for their products in order to show status and quality to customers. Customers purchase Nestle products in order to experience high quality products and they are ready to pay for it. 1.7 Shared Value Model for Nestle Shared value model for the company works in triplet format such as sustainable development in water management and nutrition products, protect environment, and maintaining ethical business practices. Stage 1 The corporation invested a huge amount of money in research and development in order to create nutritional products for customers. In recent times, the Vevey based company has introduced nutritional compass customers to measure the nutrition value of food. Nutritional compass is complemented with the nutrition information box, which indicates amount of specific nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, protein and sugars present in a Nestle product, as well as health related tips, and question boxes. In Poland, the company has partnered with two major retailers to provide health related advice to customers. Ninety nine percent of Nestle products contain nutrient specification in order to provide information to customers. The brand has opened rural factories in order to provide agricultural support to farmers. They have taken an open system approach to boost the growth of the rural economy. Nestle established factories in order to employ rural people and help farmers to sell their product without any middlemen. Survey reports suggest that the company is performing pretty well in developing nations to generate revenue and incentivize the morale of rural people. The company took various initiatives for water resource management. They have planned to implement aquifers, watersheds, and artificial river basins to create efficient water resource management. Nestle started water management initiatives by engaging stakeholders into multiphase pilot projects to increase sustainability of the development. (Sources: Nestle, 2011) Stage 2 Nestle has changed their supply chain management and product packaging in order to decrease their overall carbon footprint. The company uses 12% renewable energy in their factories and also they have planned to achieve zero wastage within the next two years. The company is using recyclable products for packaging in order to decrease plastic contamination and hazards. For example, the company used recyclable packaging products instead of plastic for Ninho caps in Brazil and Purina ONE packaged drinking water in France. The corporation not only reduced the use of plastic in their product, but also optimized environmental performance of the product. Nestle uses Global Environmental Footprint (GEF) and Packaging Impact Quick Evaluation Tool (PIQET) to measure the environment sustainability of bottled water. Environment impact of new packaging systems for bottled water can be analyzed by the following picture: (Source: Nestle, 2011) Stage 3 Nestle has established an Alignment board to measure quarterly performance share value objectives. This board acts as an Umbrella Corporation to design strategic implementation Shared Value objectives. The company implements leadership principles to design proper business ethics conduct. Also, United Nations Global Compact Principles helped the company to create a sustainable business environment. Nestle follows the United Nations guidelines for creating shared value in terms of labor law, human rights, corruption free business policy, sustainable environment, and other important issues. 1.8 Value Chain of Nestle (Bottled Water) 1.8.1 Source The company has developed spring water sites to source their water products. Nestle has transformed open land sources into spring water resources to strengthen their value chain. Generally, the business uses 87% of their spring water sites to source water products. 1.8.2 Manufacturing Nestle has implemented solar panels in their water plants in order to reduce energy consumption and maintain purity of minerals used in the manufacturing process. The company manufactures 98% of packaged bottles in their owned plants in order to reduce cost regarding transportation of empty bottles. The total manufacturing process saves 6.5 million gallons of fuel and eliminates more than 6,100 metric tons of CO2 emissions. 1.8.3 Packaging Nestle has invested a huge amount of capital to change packaging of the water bottles in order to create an eco-friendly bottled water. The corporation is planning to use paper instead of plastic to reduce the carbon footprint produced by their company. The Vevey based company has already introduced the Eco Shape bottle which contains only 60% PET plastic in order to save 250 million pounds of plastic per year. Nestle reduced the bottle size by 33% in order to save 10 million pounds of packaging paper yearly. 1.8.4 Transportation Nestle started to use hybrid vehicles for transportation in the year 2008. Heavy duty trucks and environment friendly trucks are used by the company for transportation purposes. The company has forecasted that they will reach 25% fuel economy within the next three years by using hybrid transportation models. 1.8.5 Retail Retail channels for Nestle water products are focused regionally in order to increase penetration levels. The company transports 90% of bottled water directly to the retailers in order to eliminate warehouse storage and costs associated with storing products. The whole process helped the company to reduce 10,900 metric tons of carbon footprint or carbon dioxide emissions yearly. Benefits of green value chain maintained by Nestle can be summarized in the following chart: (Source: Nestle-water, 2011) 1.9 Financial Performance of Nestle Total group sales for the company were $ 83.6 billion in year 2011 with an organic growth of more than 7.5% annually. It is interesting to note that the company has achieved annual sales growth in a multi-dimensional way without depending on a single product segment. The company achieved maximum sales growth from their nutritional product division. Operating profit has also increased to $ 12.5 billion with a growth rate of 15.0%. The company has also performed well in terms of shareholders value and return on investment. Shareholders return can be analyzed in the following table: Net Cash Returned to Shareholders Return on Investment Dividend per Share $10.7 billion 44.4% $ 5.9 billion through dividend $ 4.8 billion through share buy back 14.1% from goodwill 30.3% from external operation $1.95 + 5.4% (Source: Nestle, 2012) Financial statement of the company is explained in the Appendix A to C. 2.0 Global Bottled Water Industry Research scholars and market research reports suggest that the bottled water industry is dynamic as well as multidimensional. Global reports suggest various companies sold more than 200 billion water bottles in the year 2011. Consumer Food Companies such as Nestle or beverage giant, Coca-Cola, and many others have entered the bottled water market in order to explore business opportunities. Retail channel sales are growing at rate of 11% and analysts have forecasted that the market will reach $150 billion within next couple of years. Although bottled water market is growing at a steady rate, the penetration level is not homogeneous in the entire region. Customers prefer to drink mineral water in order to experience purity and freshness. Nestle also emphasizes on the purity of their bottled water in order to sell the item. Global players try to create their bottled water using underground aquifers, minerals, and springs in order to show purity. Nestle also did the same by changing their product line by adding minerals and aquifers in three of the products: S.Pellegrino, Perrier, and Poland Spring. Industry analysis shows that bottled water market can be segmented into three portions. 2.1 Product Characteristics Bottled water can be segregated into three types: Still (dominant with more than 70% penetration), Sparkling (penetration level is low such as 21%), and Flavored (near about 6% penetration). Nestle has maintained a product line complemented with Still and Sparkling category while they have not took any initiative to add flavored water in portfolio 2.2 Water Source Two types of water sources are available for manufacturers are chemically purified and natural spring water, and both are used in order to manufacture bottled water. Water sourced from natural spring has two subdivisions: Single Spring (bottled near the source location without any chemical treatment except filtration) and Multiple Spring (bottled far from source location after multiple chemical treatments). Nestle offers customers only Single Spring bottled water but they have a future plan of entering in the Multi Spring segment. 2.3 Marketing Channel Companies in the bottled water industry follow two types of marketing channel: on trade- off trade, or retail sales in order to distribute their products to customers. On trade channels focus on distributing bottled water directly to business, houses, hospitals, catering, and various event sponsors while retail channel focuses on tertiary sales. Global sales volume in terms of unit for on trade channel is only 16% but striking fact is that sales volume in terms of monetary value for on trade channel is 55%. These differentiation occurs due to the fact that water bottle price is three times higher in contrast to off trade channel (Gimeno, 2012). 3.0 Competitors Analysis 3.1 Danone Danone is the major competitor for Nestle in the water industry. The company is the market leader in Spain and United Kingdom for purified water business. Danone uses merger acquisitions in order to expand their business and they have achieved more than 24% market penetration by following the same strategy. The company maintains product portfolio complemented with Sparkletts, Alhambra, and Crystal in order to offer still and spring water to customers. 3.2 PepsiCo The company entered the packaged drinking water industry in the year 1994 by establishing cooperation with bottlers. The company provides spring, flavored, and still water to global customers. Aquafina is the major bottle water brand for the company while the brand has achieved more than 10% penetration in UK market. Distribution channels maintained by the company can be termed as their core competency. PepsiCo sells their water product in UK with the help of Directo Store Delivery Method (DSD) and also the company is planning for category extension in the sparkling water segment. 3.3 Coca Cola The company launched their bottled water brand Dasani in the year 1999, spending more than $20 million dollars in sales promotion and advertising to push the brand during its initial period. Coca Cola Enterprise (CCE) is also a big bottler worldwide. The company has launched their multi spring water brand BonAqua in European countries. Market share for the company in the UK is not more than 3%. Hence they have planned to increase market share by incorporating product differentiation in the future. 4.0 Analysis of the Packaged Water Industry in United Kingdom 4.1 SWOT The SWOT analysis method can be done in order to analyze business scenario for the packaged water segment in UK (Ferrell Hartline, 2010, p. 122). 4.1.1 Strength The lifestyle of people in the country is changing with time, and as a result, the demand for pure water is increasing. Packaged water gives people the opportunity to carry mineral water or sparkling water with convenience. 4.1.2 Weakness Companies need to find open water sources to manufacture bottled water, but availability of such resources is low in the UK compared to other European countries. Government is strict about environment norms and pushes foreign companies to decrease carbon footprint throughout business operation. Companies trying to expand business in UK need to redesign value chain in order to decrease environment pollution. Because of this, the Boxed Water product is fitting to combat this weakness. 4.1.3 Opportunity People in the country have become more health conscious in recent times due to the increase of epidemic diseases. The quality of open source water has also degraded randomly within the last ten years. Companies have the opportunity to manipulate market demand by offering mineral and spring waters to customers of the country, and it is Nestles opportunity to offer the Boxed Water idea to fulfill this demand. 4.1.4 Threat Multinational companies are facing threat from regional and small local players in the country. Many small level companies are counterfeiting and imitating product portfolios of large players such as Nestle, Danone, and others. Counterfeiters are selling products at a price lower than market average in order to spoil competition. 4.2 Porters Five Forces Porters five force model can be used to analyze bottled water industry in United Kingdom (Ahlstrom Bruton, 2009, pp. 131-140). 4.2.1 Threat of Substitute There is no substitute for water but the same cannot be said for bottled drinking water. Substitutes such as vitamin and mineral water, and single and multi-spring water can be termed as close competitor for purified bottled water. Tea, beer, and soft drinks are the distant competitors for packaged drinking water; therefore, the threat of substitute for packaged water is moderate. 4.2.2 Threat of New Entrants Threat of new entrant is low for the packaged water industry due to three reasons. Huge financial resources are needed to establish water plants and a wide distribution channels to retailers nationwide. Companies must have sufficient resources to offer high retail margins to distributors (industry average is more than 15% but Nestle offers 33%) in order to survive in market competition. Companies must have the capability to compete against multinational giants such as Coca Cola, PepsiCo, Nestle, and Danone to be successful in the long run. 4.2.3 Bargaining Power of Supplier Nestle uses their own hybrid transportation model in order to decrease dependency on suppliers. In general, companies manufacture and bottle their products near the water source in order to decrease stages of value chain. Large bottlers can purchase bulk volume of 1 liter, 2 liter or 5 liter bottles from manufacturers at minimal cost. Presence of many alternatives has decreased bargaining power of suppliers. 4.2.4 Bargaining Power of Customers Packaged water is seen as a basic product and price sensitivity issue of customers is not a major concern. This means that big brands such as Nestle can charge a premium price for their multi spring and single spring water segments. Bargaining power of customers is moderate for the industry. 4.2.5 Competition Market competition is high for the bottled water industry due to presence multinational players as well as regional sellers. They mainly compete in terms of retailer margin, product price, and product differentiation. Companies are investing a huge amount money in developing distribution channels while there is no doubt that beverage giants such as PepsiCo and Coca Cola have a clear advantage due to their long association with retailers. Nestle needs to design distribution network by maintaining equilibrium between on trade and off trade channel. Factors Threat of new Entrants Threat of substitutes products Bargaining power of buyers Bargaining Power of Suppliers Existing Rivalry Level of Impact High Medium Low 4.3 Porters Diamond Model Nestle needs to use porters diamond model in order to explore opportunity in the country (Walker, 2003, p. 177) Uncertain events such as Euro zone crisis can impede the growth of business Market competition in bottled water industry is high from both regional and international players Demand for packaged drinking water is high in the UK Nestle can use both skilled and unskilled labor for their business due to abundance of human resource pool in the country Presence of supporting players such as paper suppliers and other members of the value chain is abundant Government of the country provides tax exemptions to companies investing more than  £10,000 on research development 5.0 Why the United Kingdom?   Ã‚  Ã‚   There were three countries, each in three different continents that seemed very interesting for Nestle to introduce the idea of a new packaging, Boxed Water. The idea of boxed water consists of redesigning the container into a complete new design with no damaging chemicals for human consumption, and at the same time being better for the environment. The first country taken into account in this report is Singapore.   Singapore is one of the nations in the world with a well-established and efficient free-market economy. The government of Singapore has a significant control in most corporations, which constitutes about 60% of the GDP through business entities like Sovereign Wealth Fund. The country has a free business environment with comparatively low levels of corruption, transparency in management of public affairs and constant/predictable prices changes. Compared to other developed countries Singapore has low tax rates with a very high per capita GDP globally. Singapore has a very innovative and stable economy, which is merged with efficient economic planning under the Economic Development Board that helped to establish a free market. Moreover, Singapore has a port that is strategic enough to give it an edge over the neighboring countries that carries trade. Most of its labor comes within the population, which is owed to the efficient education policy in the country that produces skilled labor for the industries in the country.   The government

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The People Versus Lady Macbeth :: essays research papers

The People Vs. Macbeth The Macbeth trial broke out in full force today as the entire nation of Scotland paid close attention to the small town court of Grahacknboroughsly, Scotland. The charges are for abuse of power, abuse of wealth, abuse of friendship and misuse of a regal Scottish accent. As the parade of people came into the courthouse, 2/3rds of them were enemies of Macbeth. The motion to dismiss came early on grounds of permanent death on Macbeth’s defense team. The motion was quickly dismissed as Macbeth was being quite lively for a dead King. The motion was not helped by the â€Å"deceased† ordering the judge to â€Å"Lemme free, drop the charges and get a haircut.† The defense motion was further weakened by the comment, â€Å"the judge can kiss my giant, royal behind.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The trial soon got underway after the court was able to settle Macbeth down. The People’s witness list started off at the top and worked down. The first was Banquo, as he had been victimized by Macbeth early in the tale and his testimony, as well as his casket, was getting stale. After hearing the testimony from Banquo, the Macbeth defense brought out their one and only witness, a stable boy, who looked as though he had been threatened with his life. The boy’s shaky and unseemingly well worded testimony went over very badly on the jury side and the crowds side. The boy brought out the fact that Macbeth was blinded by the possibility of absolute power and wealth, and that he couldn’t control his wife’s demands until it was too late for the both of them. He also stated that the opportunity wouldn’t have been there if it weren’t for the king’s cowardly sons and their flight from Scotland. This did not go over well for the side of the jury that was strongly pro Duncan (even though they were supposed to be non partisan, it was hard to find a soul who didn’t love Duncan so much as to hate Macbeth.)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The People now brought out the Weird sisters and their cauldron to make their testimony. As cryptic as it was, it revealed that they had convinced Macbeth to kill Duncan, even though it was not hard. The jury was heavily swayed by this revelation, the common thought was that it may not have been Macbeth’s fault. The sisters may have convinced him.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Cafe love

†Amour, amour et seul' I'm alone. Meaning, I have no one to love, no one to love me back and quite frankly at nearly forty years old I feel past the point of having the chance to make a change. The fact that I live in Paris; the romantic capital of the world, does little to help the situation. I've lived here almost all my life; parents used to live in Wales, then England, then California for some time. Being young, I travelled with them, but now, here in Paris, I finally feel at home. I struggle to answer the question â€Å"why did I come to Paris, of all places†? I suppose it's because here that I can at least dream of one day, maybe, possibly finding some way of not being alone anymore. Everywhere I look, seems to be another person's life filled only with what I want. I'm not selfish and I'm sure that having someone else in my life would make me a happier person. This is why I have a strong resentment towards people who have a habit of betraying, lying or simply being unpleasant. Because they take life for granted, not experiencing, learning or challenging. That's not to say that I am unhappy, I often sit with my steaming coffee at one of the many street cafes in town and spend time people watching, as I pass time and reflect on my achievements I wonder what all these souls have achieved, where have they been? Where are they going? Are they on their way home to a loved one? I just need someone to feel complete. â€Å"I, capitalized, full. I, looking like a snowfall as I come calling. I, waiting for a saviour in the gas-station at midnight. I, holding no neighbourhood, loving the air. I, silent beside a man holding a megaphone outside of planned parenthood I, fading.† It's busy. Busier than its been in a while, packed with all different sorts of people. Young children, some in push chairs, some being held tightly in their mother's arms. Teenagers are also present, not really enjoying the surroundings yet smiling when in the company of grandparents. Women chattering around small tables, women standing impatiently waiting to be served, wives and girlfriends being held close by their husbands and boyfriends. The only men seated are extremely old or waiting to meet their wives. One regular customer, wearing a neatly pressed pin-striped suit, is sitting alone at a small table by the roadside, distancing himself from others. He's recognisable to me so my eyes are drawn to him. He glances over towards me and on seeing me staring back at him shifts in his chair uncomfortably. There are two glasses on the table, so I can only assume that he is waiting for company. He checks his watch several times and looks around; I look too although I don't know what I expect to see. He's an attractive man. Even though he's seated he looks tall, six foot at least. Clean shaven, glossy hair with a small amount of gel and shiny shoes which is a clear sign that he takes care over his appearance. I can imagine that he's not drinking coffee to avoid unpleasant smelling breath. So making the decision of ordering water was wise. I begin looking at him in more detail. I don't worry that he may notice me staring. It's now that he stands and strides towards the road. Definitely over six foot tall. He suddenly stops and looks back. A phone rings, as he reaches into his pocket I realise it's his. He directs a smile at me and walks back towards the road all the while in conversation. Probably his wife. â€Å"I, alive before the fireworks with one eye on the storm, I, skating on the ice with one foot in the ocean, I, drunk beneath the shelter of a thousand poets There is no-one as blind as those who choose not to see I, me.† Late afternoon at the cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ is normally the busiest time. Which makes it my favourite time to sit and observe everyone. The clientele is always the same, with a few new comers each day, but only a few decide to stay. It looks especially pretty today, the tops of the tables and chairs where people have not yet sat are quilted and neatly decorated with snow, it also creates a pathway on the ground of delicate footsteps from the waitresses' angelic feet. A coffee cup has been left at my table, it is beginning to freeze and what there was once coffee is a frosty covering, somewhat improving its appearance looking almost beautiful and glistening in the light. It's sad I know, but somehow I become attached to this cup. It's centre stage on the table, soaking in all my attention. As I look closer, a small crack becomes visible. I begin to imagine some wonderful life stories of the coffee cup, battles, fights and journeys. After pondering over the past of the cup, I conclude that it was just dropped in the kitchen. After all, it's only a mug. I'm sitting alone, enjoying the company of strangers. A waitress comes over with my coffee, taking away the crystallized coffee mug. Now I am alone amongst strangers again. As I stay later the snow begins to melt and the nice Christmas feeling of the crisp coldness in the air also begins to fade. I take a lighter out of my coat pocket, and because the waitresses have seemed to disappear, I walk slowly around the cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ lighting the candles at the remaining empty tables. I take my time, I'm not worried about anyone seeing me. When I have finished I sit back at my table, and admiring the sparkling candles. The Christmas feeling is half restored by the warm comforting feeling of subtle lights. â€Å"I, wearing white and thinking black I, planning a journey that's too far to walk, drive or sail I, the one who never planned but always expected I, lighting up a cigarette with the echoes of my mind I, breathing in the smoke that no-one else can find.† An old couple walk almost silently into the cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½, they take no notice of me at all. They take a while getting comfy at the table behind mine before they begin talking. The woman looks to be in her late fifties, and is wearing a red poncho which drapes to the floor making her bottom half invisible. The man is the same age, also wearing red. I smile at the fact they look the same, very elegant. He must have been wearing a black hat but removed it when entering the Cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ because he's now holding it in his right hand. They begin conversation, I listen in excitedly, ‘Did you want a drink my dear?' He questioned the women whilst glancing around for a working waitress. †Erm, yes a hot chocolate please Eric† I stop listening for a second, and make a mental note of the man's name. He politely ordered for himself and his wife whilst searching for his wallet. He looked inside and shuffled uncontrollably to the bottom. Finally, he held out only two euros. Looking over at his wife, he saw her becoming quite impatient. ‘I haven't got all day!' She shouted whilst quickly gesturing towards her watch. Eric cancelled his order and paid for hers, looking quite flustered. ‘Keep the change', he murmured under his breath. His wife stood up and took her drink off him, ‘What took you so long buying one silly drink?' Questioned his wife, again impatiently. Eric stared blankly back at her, ‘I†¦just, couldn't remember what you wanted.' The woman then began arguing about how he wastes so much time over everything and just does not listen. If only she saw what I just saw, she wouldn't bother to question his actions. I stand up and move away from the couple, there is a knot forming in the back of my throat and my vision is becoming blurry. As I look down at the table, the snow has now completely melted, as one of my tears drop I can see it clearly on the glass table top. As I stare at the single tear, it seems to multiply like bacteria in seconds as more and more appear, as if by magic . â€Å"I, the small tear that leads to tears, I, the one who is ambiguous, I, attempting to buy groceries with good looks and failing miserably. I, thanking Allen Ginsberg, I, reading like the poet and writing like the fool I, nothing, really.† I sit alone for a while. Wondering how such an old couple can have a such a new and romantic love. I turn to change my view of the cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½, I'm about to turn to my left to admire the fine Christmas lights recently put on display but a small, dark haired little girl managed to catch my view. At first glance I thought she was sitting on her own because she was making such a mess of her table. But I saw a man to the left of her returning with napkins. He sat down next to her and began to mop up what looked like melted ice cream on the table. ‘Dad, I don't want it,' moaned the small girl. Immediately, I'm concentrated and fully focused on this little girl. Why was she moaning, why was she on her own? The man put a final napkin down and replied, ‘I know that's not†¦' The small girl stared violently, signally for him to stop talking – or else. I am even more involved now, it's times like these where I just want to ask what's going on. But I know I cant, that's just bad etiquette. Often I jump to conclusions and think up reasons why people are having such conversations. In this case, the situation that came to my mind first was; a girl, no family, living alone on the streets of Paris having to steal food from this cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. My mind then began on a journey of other extremities such as that she is actually German pretending to be French..? It is when the man began speaking, and took the part of the father, that my mind stopped travelling such journeys . ‘Dad, just talk to Mummy. I don't like being with you only at weekends. I miss Mum. Please.' The small girl now speaking out of pure desperation. The father replied quickly with ‘Darling, it's not that simple. Marriage, well, it's not easy you know.' He then took the girls hand for second before she pulled away almost automatically. The father reached for his grey coat which he had drooped over the back of the chair and began to put it on. The girl took this as a sign that it was the end of the conversation, obviously something she was use to hearing. They begin to walk my way so I turn quickly. Much too quickly, resulting in my coffee spilling half on the floor and half on me. I stand and look at the mess, for a few seconds I wonder if this would be a good excuse to ask the father for a napkin, in order to engross myself in conversation. I decide against it considering they have already left. On my way to the washroom I start to think about the marriage that the mother and father must have had. Because it must have affected the small girl a lot for her to mention and be so upset about it. Perhaps one of them met someone else, perhaps they simply went different ways. But whatever happened to that marriage, surely the love in the marriage must have died. I wish I didn't wonder so much sometimes, it only leads me to imagine the worst of things. How can love not work out, if I found love I would hold onto it and never let it go. How can It go wrong? When you fall in love you want it to be forever and you love them for who they are. So any flaws can be worked out or you just love them in spite of that. The thought of suddenly not being loved must eat people up inside. Heartbreaking. Possibly my life is too good to risk being heartbroken. Because even if I am on my own, at least it's only me that's liable to hurt myself. No one else can hurt me, I'm in charge. Maybe it's not as idealistic in reality. â€Å"I, immune to heartache I, the liar.† After drying my coffee stained skirt, I brush past the waitresses who seem to be re-appearing due to the increasing customers. I see one waitress finish cleaning my table. It's getting dark, which means I really should be soon returning home. I usually hate this time because it means I have to walk lonely through the streets looking at the couples hand in hand or the mothers and daughters smiling. And because I'm such a paranoid person I automatically think they're only smiling because I'm there and they want to make me jealous. But at this moment in time, I really don't know how I feel. After witnessing that small girl's unlawfully relationship with her father; wondering how things in a marriage can become that disastrous. When I think about that, I'm reluctant to feel jealous by those couples smiling back at me, because one day, they could be heartbroken and wonder themselves why they put them selves in such a vulnerable position. Suddenly, I'm startled. At first for no particular reason I feel as if I'm being watched. This feeling causes me to look wearily around, a tall man is admiring me. His eyes fixated on me. In response I smile, I feel as if I know him. He is still looking at me, so I begin to look at him in closer detail, he's an attractive man with a well cared for appearance, his shiny shoes gave that away. I scare myself with shock when I realise who he is, the regular who comes here. The man who's forever getting stood up by his wife. He stands and walks nervously towards where I'm standing, frozen. As he walks, I have the decision to walk away and pretend I have no idea that he's walking to talk to me. Or I could stay and see what he wants; everything seems to be a little flirtatious even though he's married. Maybe, I never really had hard evidence. I do have quite a writers' imagination. He begins to speak, †Hello. I hope you don't mind but I often sit here alone and see you here alone too.† I look straight into his blue exotic eyes, immediately I feel a connection. Just two strangers, just two alone strangers. I feel like I have been frozen in time as I begin to recite a monologue of thoughts to myself. ‘I was wondering if you would like to sit alone together some time?' â€Å"I, giving up structure. I know that words once read will always be spoken And fabric once torn will always be scarred, And the night will always be broken by the Gentle murmur of cars†¦ But, what is costume without personality,, Or a poet without publication What is a man without attempt, Or a woman without patience. Here comes the thunderstorm. I, silent.†

Friday, November 8, 2019

Television as a Domestic Technology

Television as a Domestic Technology If the efforts to revitalize television in the digital era are to materialize, television viewers will ultimately be required to be conversant with the set-top box (a novel consumer technology) which provides unprecedented means of consuming television. There is no doubt that this type of technology entails assimilation of new media technology into the household settings.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Television as a Domestic Technology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More More importantly, it also facilitates amplification of an interactive techno-culture among domestic consumers of television. Consequently, interactivity must have a positive effect on the manner in which television consumers use this technology in their daily lives (Petersen and Kim 74). Therefore, the main focus of this paper is to discuss the manner in which television is used as a domestic technology. This paper will also address the primary posit ion of television in the home and how it is by households. Ever since the launch of digital television and the introduction of the set-top box as the modern consumer technology to replace the analogue television system, television has been cast into the limelight with respect to adjustments in the manner in which it is currently consumed by households. It is worthy to note that the interactive television sector (the traditional media production firms as well as new players with novel business ideas) is currently facing stiff competition among the industry players in terms of who among them will develop the best ideas (Christensen 4). Domestication refers to the manners in which consumers of television endeavor to curve a niche for the technology in their houses and make it meaningful and productive in their daily lives. In other words, the domestication of technology implies a process of adopting technology within the household environment. The concept of moral economy implies that household members have unique ways of using television set as a domestic technology (Christensen 5). The four distinct ways used by the households are conversion, appropriation, incorporation and objectification. The conversion implies that household members alter the symbolic and functional use of the television (as a domestic technology) into a meaningful production that allows for the moral economy of the family to be integrated into the objective economy of the society at large.Advertising Looking for essay on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More On the other hand, appropriation refers to the procurement of the television technology as a domestic commodity that facilitates the integration of the objective meaning in society with the domestic moral economy. Incorporation refers to the process of assimilating the television technology into the daily routines of the household. Nonetheless, incorporation is also the subject of negotiations and conflicts with the television technology. It also serves as an integral aspect of family members’ continuous work of creating and upholding identity within the household. Finally, objectification deals with the manner in which television (as a domestic technology) should be integrated into the daily routines of the household. In other words, it implies how the new technology should be fitted into the spatial organization of the household (Christensen 6). It goes without saying that the consumption of television as a domestic technology is a way to describe and position household members in their unique environment into a general social perspective. Nonetheless, when the television set is openly displayed by the household, it creates an impression that can be construed in diverse ways by individuals who visit that home. For example, the symbolic display of television as a domestic technology may be construed by different visitors as vul gar, snobbish, kitsch and stylish. As a matter of fact, the manner in which the technology (television) is displayed in the house might even cause dispute among members of the household (Christensen 7). With respect to physically situating the technological object, the set-top box must have a phone line connection. This means that the set-box is reliant on the electrical system of the house in order to deliver an electric socket, telephone line connection as well as a television connection. There are several reasons given to explain why a television set (and not a computer) occupies the living room of the house. One of the reasons given is that the computer is not only a goal-oriented artifact but also has lengthy cables and thus it is kept away either in the study room or in the bedroom. On the contrary, the television set is conspicuously displayed in the central living room as a symbol of prestige. In addition, the satellite dish is a conspicuous symbol that informs the outside w orld that the household possesses that technology. Moreover, the set-top box will soon curve a niche among other television technologies given that it is re-arbitrating the VCR and the satellite decoding receiver while at the same time enhancing transmission and signal quality (Christensen 11).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Television as a Domestic Technology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Nonetheless, it (the set-top box) does not clearly offer a comprehensible sign to the outside world of what type of content the household is consuming unless adapted into some sort of symbolic use. Consequently, the household may be compelled to procure a pay per view program or to subscribe to a premium digital services. As a result, the set-top box (just as the previous television did), turns into the main source of public meetings since it provides television programs that are only available to households in possession of t he set-top boxes and valid subscriptions (Livingstone 60). There is no doubt that the concept of living room (as a technical and cultural hub of the household) has experienced a number of changes. The society is currently witnessing a major development of individually owned digital media. Traditional media are now utilized in new restructuring of time and space. At the same time, most of the households are currently in possession of several radios, telephones and televisions (Livingstone 62). Initially, majority of households had only one television set in the living room (the main meeting place for household members). However, since the emergence of media production firms such as NTL that sell multi-room viewing services, majority of television channels are now easily accessible from any room in the house. In fact, a number of teenagers have procured better television sets for use in their personal rooms. This phenomenon has relegated the important role of the television set in the living room. In addition, the consumption of television as a domestic technology has led to the technological empowerment of the teenagers in terms of the transformation in ownership of domestic technologies. Initially, mass media was communally consumed in the living room by all members of the household. Ever since the inception of television as a domestic technology, youths have gradually moved towards mobile consumption of media (Pemberton 10). It is worthy to note that, many teenagers have installed computers, audio devises and television sets in their bedrooms as sources of entertainment. As of now, teenagers are using television as a domestic technology to produce a wall of sound in their personal rooms which has ultimately changed generational and gender patterns in the society.Advertising Looking for essay on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For many parents, the adoption of television technology within the household settings is not a bad thing after all because they are in a better position to monitor their teenagers gathered in their bedrooms. In addition, television is considered a safe medium since it is able to attract a loyal and ardent audience via its memorable usability. In others words, interactive television offers an ontological sanctuary for audience who experience problems when they attempt to gain access to relatively unfamiliar sea of information online via the use of the computer and the World Wide Web (WWW). Apart from encouraging the audience to stay tuned to a particular channel, interactive television provides safe transmission of information that has positive impacts on the viewers (Petersen and Kim 103). Christensen, Holmgaard. The Impact of Interactivity on Television Consumption. Dublin: Dublin City University, 2002. Print. Livingstone, Sonja. New Media, New Audiences?† New Media and Soci ety 1 (1999): 59-66. Pemberton, Lyn. The Potential of Interactive Television for Delivering Individualized Language Learning. Brighton: University of Brighton, 2002. Petersen, Marianne and Kim H. Madsen. â€Å"The Usability of Everyday Technology: Emerging and Fading Opportunities.† ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 9 (2002): 74-105.